Home Staging Service In A Vacant Condo

When someone walks into your house with the idea of buying it, they’re asking themselves all sorts of questions in their head, even if they don't even know they're asking them. And a home staging service is meant to give them the answers they’re looking for.

Let me ask you two different questions – and you tell me which one you think is easier to answer.

“What is your favourite song?”


“Do you like Fleetwood Mac or The Eagles better?”

The first one is more open-ended. You can give any answer in the world! So it can be overwhelming.

On the other hand, the second one is more directed. The person asking you the question is guiding you toward one of two possible answers. That makes it a lot easier to find the answer.

The same goes with staging. Take a look at this picture and imagine the possibilities:

When someone looks at this room, they ask themselves all sorts of questions. Things like:

- Could I picture myself sleeping here?

- Would I be comfortable in this room?

- Would my spouse be comfortable here?

- Would I be able to enjoy intimate moments in this room?

- Would this room relieve my stress at the end of the day?

If you walked into the room you see above, what would the answer to those questions be?

Would you want to buy this home if it looked like this?

Time To Call A Home Staging Service

This was a vacant condo for sale, with only the occasional scattered piece of furniture available – like the inflatable mattress above. It had no appeal at all, and as a result it sat on the market for two months without selling. So the agent contacted me.

They had a small budget to work with, which was fine – in most cases I can make a difference on any budget. But I had to be more strategic.

Instead of creating grander areas, I had to create smaller vignettes into which the buyer can insert their own life. We used the blow-up mattress in the room and rented a few accessories and pieces of furniture to improve the room. That might not sound like much, but it makes a big difference. Take a look for yourself:

Now think about those questions above.

What do you think the answer would be this time?

The results speak for themselves – after sitting vacant on the market for more than two months, this home sold two days after it was staged for above the original asking price.

Home Staging Service London Ontario

If you’re considering listing your home on the market, or if you’ve already listed it but it isn’t selling, contact MatiDesign today for an in-home staging consultation. Remember, staging is always less expensive than your first price reduction.

Read additional ways on interior design, decor, and style at: Interior Decor
